Five years and Five Stars later. Italy versus Migrants.

Images from the internet
It took me a bit more than five years to write a new article on my blog. I must admit, if on one hand it was partially due to laziness, as well as my being 100% focused on my job, on the other hand I felt the urge to wait. Time passed but sadly my vision was right. Grillo’s party – populist Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle in Italian) - won the last elections held on the 4th of March, gaining the 32% of the ballots.
In 2013 – see article below in this blog – I wrote that: «voting Grillo means voting for an empty and dangerous new fascism. It also means do not know in which path the country will walk». Well, now it’s clear where Italy is going. First of all, it is important to make a step backward and briefly talk about the other main character of this tragedy taking place in one of the most beautiful stage’s theater in the world; Italy. Clearly the other protagonist is the rebranded “League” party –formerly Northern League (Lega Nord in Italian)- led by the folkloristic and neo fascist newly appointed Minister of Interior – role that correspond to the Home Secretary office in the UK – Matteo Salvini.
In these days Minister Salvini is keeping 148 asylum seeker locked in an Italian Guard Cost ship docket at the Port of Catania, Sicily. This is the case of the ship Diciotti and the arancini’s protest as reported by the BBC. The reason of kidnapping –based on the Italian criminal law and on some statement from prosecutor of Catania’s court this might be the crime Salvini is committing – lays on two reasons. The first, winning more votes and, secondly, threating the EU about migrants’ quota. Doing it is inhuman, as well as violating international treaties.
Now, the “empty” Five Star Movement has chosen the League to create a government. In five years Grillo’s movement has drawn a line in the Italian political map, and the path is racism and lack of competencies. Superficiality and reacting to the events instead of governing are the other two ingredients of the government action. Hopefully this is only a trial stage to these neophytes in politics.


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